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Blackpearl Capital
Generating value in the SME Segment

About Us

Blackpearl Capital Management SGEIC SA is an investment firm regulated by the CNMV to invest in SME special situations in Spain

Led by an experienced, cohesive and complementary management team,
Blackpearl carries out institutionalized investment processes adopted from market leading buy side institutions


Shareholder Transition

Non-core business carve-outs

Succession challenges

Battling shareholders

Overleveraged Groups

Deleveraging processes

Company and lender-driven turnarounds

Bankruptcy processes

Constrained Liquidity

Working capital needs

Management Capability Gaps

Fundamentally strong companies with management or governance gaps


Pedro Ruiz de Marcos

Founding Partner

Pedro is Partner and founder of Blackpearl Capital. He has more than 14 years experience in m&a and private equity.

Pedro began his career at Lehman Brothers M&A in 2006, and subsequently worked as a Director at Thesan Capital

Prior to Blackpearl Capital, Pedro was founder and member of the BoD at Everwood Capital

He has a degree in Law and Business Administration from ICADE (E-3), Madrid

Pablo Moreno de la Cova


Pablo is Partner and Investors Relations of Blackpearl Capital since 2019. He has more than 14 years of experience in m&a, private equity and capital markets

Pablo began his career at Lehman Brothers M&A, and subsequently worked as a Director at Corpfin Capital and VP at Highbridge Capital Management

He has a degree in Law and Business Administration and Management from ICADE (E-3), Madrid

Juan Serra Castillejo


Juan is Partner of Blackpearl Capital since 2020. He has more than 10 years experience in private equity.

Juan began his career as Strategy Consultant at Management Solutions in 2012, and subsequently worked as Associate at Thesan Capital

Prior to Blackpearl Capital, Juan was Vice President at Everwood Capital since its foundation in 2015

He has a degree in Industrial Engineering from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICAI, Madrid

Laura Ybarra Cólogan


Laura is CFO of Blackpearl Capital. She has more than 5 years experience as CFO and 2 years as an Investment Analyst in a Private Equity fund.

Laura began her career as Investment Analyst at Thesan Capital, and subsequently founded an e-commerce company working as CEO and CFO.

She has a degree in Business and Administrations from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ICADE, Madrid

Jorge Torner del Villar

Senior Associate

Jorge is Senior Associate of Blackpearl Capital since 2023. He has more than 7 years of experience in Deal Advisory (M&A) and 1 year in Strategic Consulting (M&A).

Jorge began his career at Deal Advisory (KPMG), and subsequently as a Senior Associate at Monitor Deloitte and Manager at KPMG.

He has a degree in Bilingual Business and Administration from Universidad San Pablo CEU / Boston University.


Historical Track Record

Asset Manager General Disclosures (Art. 3- 5 SFDR)

Blackpearl Capital Management S.G.E.I.C., S.A. (hereinafter, Blackpearl) is subject to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector, (hereinafter the "SFDR").

Blackpearl integrates sustainability risks in its investment decisions and in compliance with its transparency obligations towards its investors and other stakeholders, the detail on the policy of integration of these risks required by Article 3 of the SFDR is described in its Responsible Investment Policy.

Blackpearl’s Remuneration Policy includes information on the coherence of the remuneration system with the integration of sustainability risks, as established in Article 5 of the SFDR.

Blackpearl does not consider the main adverse impacts on the sustainability factors of its investment decisions within the meaning of Article 4.1. of the Regulation. During the Due Diligence phase, the main negative externalities generated by the investment are assessed and monitored on a regular basis. However, their assessment and monitoring will not initially be carried out through the annual calculation of the 16 indicators set out in the Technical Development (RTS) of the Disclosure Regulation, although this may be done in the future when work has been done with the investees to make this information available.

Website product disclosure for financial products that have environmental and/or social characteristics.


    +34 915 461 059
    Calle Barquillo 10, 1º Dcha, 28004 Madrid